With only three movies out under their own shingle, Marvel Studios have become a force in Hollywood. Now, the company has taken steps to expand their film portfolio by bringing some of their other comic book heroes to the big screen.
Variety reports that Marvel Entertainment is hiring a team of writers with the purpose of writing scripts for properties it wants to bring to the screen.
The group will consist of up to five writers who will sign on for one year of service. They will work developing pitches Marvel gives them, which might include long in development options or completely new characters.
Characters listed in the article include long in the works characters such as Black Panther, Doctor Strange and Iron Fist, and fresh ones such as Nighthawk, Vision and Cable.
Nighthawk is an interesting one because the character is a Marvel doppelganger for DC Comics’ Batman. It should be interesting to see if that character gets to the filming stage, how much it resembles Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.
The focus overall appears to be one bring Marvel’s lesser known characters to the spotlight. Some may forget that Marvel first made its splash into cineplexes with one of its lesser known characters–Blade. The character was a B-level one in the comic books when it was optioned, yet the film was a worldwide success and spawned two sequels.
You’re polishing up your pitch now, aren’t ya Bill?
If only I had a chance!