Do you like Pixar? The company ushered in a third Golden Age of Disney animation and changed the face of film animation forever. I guess a better question would be who doesn’t like Pixar.
Well, Pixar fans, you are in luck! Disney has licensed it’s Pixar films to comic book publisher BOOM! Studios. Today brings the first offering of that parnership–Disney Pixar’s The Incredibles: Family Matters #1.
The Incredibles is a natural first choice to begin the comic adaptations, as the original film earns a place on many a comic fan’s top ten greatest comic book movies of all time–despite the fact it was no adapted from any pre-existing comic property.
But this will be only the first Pixar movie to make the jump to comic per the agreement. Next week brings us a comic based on Cars and comics based on othe Pixar films are in the works.
Disney Pixar’s The Incredibles: Family Matters #1 is written by Mark Waid and drawn by Marcio Takara. It is the first issue of a four-issue miniseries and features four variant covers. The issue retails for $2.99.
While I have been trying to drastically cut down my comics purchasing, THE INCREDIBLES is my favorite Pixar flick and Mark Waid is still a helluva comics writer. Will probably wind up buying this…