If you’ve been waiting to see Robert Downey, Jr.’s Iron Man team up with his live action superhero compatriots for a big screen Avengers adventure, you’re going to have to wait a bit longer.
Marvel Studios have just announced a reshuffling of the previously announced release dates for the films in their superhero franchise.
While Iron Man 2 is still on track for its May 7, 2010 release, the next film in their pipeline, Thor, is being pushed back nearly a year from a July 16, 2010 debut to June 17, 2011. As a result, Captain America is getting pushed from its May 2011 bow to July 22, 2011. The Avengers will debut on May 4, 2012, almost a full year after their previously announced July 2011 date.
Honestly, I’m not surprised by this in the least. While I’ve applauded Marvel’s intention of crossing over their films to ultimately pave the way for an Avengers film, I’ve thought their old announced schedule was a bit too ambitious for its own good. A glitch with one film could very easily impact all the others scheduled after it.
Next summer’s Iron Man 2 is just a few short weeks away from having the cameras start rolling. However, Thor, which had been set to hit cineplex screens just weeks after Iron Man 2, doesn’t seem to be in similar shape. I have to wonder if the state of Thor‘s pre-production is the cause for this restructuring of their release calendar. This new schedule gives Marvel a bit more breathing room between their films in case unforeseen circumstances crop up during the production of each film. Hopefully having that extra time for each the upcoming films will pay off in what we see on the screen.
Via Deadline Hollywood.