It may have been greeted with lukewarm reviews, but audiences seemed to have enjoyed last summer’s dark take on superheroes Hancock that star Will Smith seems certain that a sequel will”definitely” be made.
JoBlo reports that the actor has stated that “there were a lot of unexplored characters in the Hancock universe that would be ripe for a sequel.”
To quote Smith in almost every one of his films- “Awwww, hell no.”
The success of Hancock can really come down to Smith’s ability to open a film, nothing more. Its script was a watered-down mess, the result of a decade’s worth of rewriting. The result was a movie that wanted to have an edged but couldn’t bring itself to stop playing it safe.
But I will say Smith is right that there is a lot of unexplored potential in the world set up by the first film. That’s because the first film never really dug too deep into its premise. Under different circumsatnces I would probably be interested that they were going to try and develop the world presented. However, if this follow up displays the same temerity towards the material that the first film did, then I guess I should start preparing myself now to be disappointed.