Geek Gear- Something so absolutely geeky you have no choice but to acquire one as quickly as possible.
While I like Rob Reiner’s charming fairy tale The Princess Bride, there was appoint when I was seriously burned out on the film. Back in college, I had some friends who latched on the film, watching it repeatedly and constantly dropping lines of dialogue into conversations. As inconceivable as it sounds, things got worse once they started taking fencing lessons, wit them jumping around and pronouncing to all and sundry in a rough approximation of Mandy Patakin’s accent in the film, “My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Still, they are my friends and you have to put up with this sort of thing from your friends from time to time. However, it left me with a strong desire to not watch the film for a long time.
This black T-Shirt, with its clever riff on those ubiquitous “Hello, My Name Is…” sticky name tags actually makes me want to pull my wife’s DVD copy off the shelf and pop it in the player. Meanwhile, you can wear this t-shirt to fencing class or a Renaissance Faire and wave around your foil or epee without resorting to doing a bad accent.