As long as I had not seen any actual footage, I could safely pretend the ill-advised remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still from 20th Century Fox did not actually exist. Oh sure, there was a poster released for the film last month, but I seem to recall having seen teaser posters for films that never actually get made before.
But now we have a trailer, courtesy of the folks over at to remind us that this movie is coming our way in December. While I don’t have my copy of the DVD of the original 1951 classic handy for quick reference, I am sure there wasn’t any mysterious smoke-like thing that causes trucks and sports stadiums to disintegrate in the original. And yet, the original seems to be just fine without them.
Of course, someone has posted it up to YouTube as well.
You can check out the trailer
For just a reminder of how the original film was trailered, see below.
Via AintItCoolNews.