Will a Lost Boys sequel with only one Corey but only half as good? That’s the big question facing the folks behind the upcoming Lost Boys 2: The Tribe, which will feature Corey Feldman, seen below blasting away with a Holy Water Bazooka, but will go Haim-less.
The sequel will see the return of Feldman’s Edgar Frog character, still battling southern California vampires. In this case, he is called upon to help a young man save his sister from a clan of vampires led by Angus Sitherland.
Although the studio conceived the project as a direct to DVD release, there is reportedly some thought to giving Lost Boys 2 a theatrical release. Are you interested in spending some hard earned cash at the cineplex box office to see this film or does it seem more like the kind of thing you are apt to grab off a video store shelf when it is five minutes to store closing and the clerks are looking at you to hurry it up?
Via SlashFilm.
How about waiting until it hits the Sci-Fi network so I could see it for free?