Now THAT’S more like it!
Indiana Jones. Leather jacket and battered hat. The pistol. And of course, the whip.
I know that some people, perhaps myself included, were a little leery over how Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford’s return to the Indiana Jones franchise was going to turn out. Sure, bringing back Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood (from Raiders) was a definite step in the right direction. However, the pictures taken when the film was on location in Connecticut showing Indy riding “bitch” on a motorcycle to Shia LeBeouf’s character certainly did not install much confidence.
But now, these three pictures (click to supersize) that apparently have shown up at the Internet Movie Database and which are rapidly spreading across the internet show Ford as the Indiana Jones we know and love. At this moment, Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull‘s release date of May 22, 2008 can not get here fast enough for me.