It looks like Big Trouble In Little China is not the only John Carpenter film that could be getting a remake. The Tracking Board is reporting that Sony and Columbia are working on a remake of the director’s 1984 science-fiction/romance Starman.
No writer has been picked for the project but reportedly the studio is looking at “taking the remake in a new direction, more in line tonally with the hit teen drama The Fault In Our Stars.” So apparently the story about an alien who comes to Earth, disguises himself as Jeff Bridges and finds himself falling in love with Karen Allen will now be played out by teens.
The film was a critical success, with Bridges earning both an Oscar and a Golden Globe nomination for his portrayal of the titular alien character. It was followed two years later by a television series starring Robert Hayes in the title role as the alien having returned to Earth and joining with his half-human son (Christopher Daniel Barnes) in searching for his missing love.
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RT @FilmBuffOnLine: STARMAN Remake In Development With Sony And Columbia:
I would love to see another starman the first one jeff bridges was amazing as the allien his manerizem thw way he moved and walked and the relationship between the two of them it was nice to see a movie with out allien sucking the blood out of some one for a change i consider this movie and close encounters has to of the best
I must say its about time they make a another remake of this amazing movie it captured the heart and imagination and i hope the second movie will have the same magic as the first